Top 10 interesting facts about the human body

Although the body is our own but not everyone knows about these things, let's find out.

1. Every pound of fat accumulated increases blood vessels by 7 miles

Because of this, it is understandable that obesity and cardiovascular disease go hand in hand. Most of the new blood vessels are tiny capillaries, but besides that they are also small veins and arteries. This means that if you are "about 10 pounds overweight, your heart has to work to pump blood up to these 70 miles of extra blood vessels. Fortunately, the opposite is also true. If you lose a pound fat, your body reabsorbs blood vessels that are no longer needed.This will give a lot of motivation to dieters because a pound of weight may seem insignificant but if it is to lose a little, it is. It also helps you have a much healthier heart.

2. You can only exhale through one nostril at a time

About 85% of human species breathe through only one nose. The interesting thing here is that in these people, the body will automatically switch between the nostrils about every 4 hours depending on the body position, health status. This happens thanks to the erectile tissues in the nose that are similar to those in the penis or clitoris. Erectile tissue slowly swells in one nostril, and covers most of the stoma while tissue in the other nostril shrinks, allowing more air to flow out. More specifically, the side you breathe also has an impact on the body. If you're breathing through the right nostril, your blood sugar will rise and force your body to use more oxygen. In addition, breathing through the right nostril stimulates increased activity in the left brain and vice versa. This will be useful in case you need to stimulate activity in the right or left brain region as needed.

3. Eating rusty nose is good for health

The mucus in the nose has the effect of filtering harmful substances in the air when we breathe and the product of this process is the dirty nasal discharge. So everyone thinks that picking and eating ooze is unhygienic, but recent research has shown that sniffling can help us improve our immune system by bringing these harmful substances into the mouth. in small amounts, helping the body recognize and fight against them. However, after reading this information, you should not sit down and eat them because every day there is a certain amount of mucus in the nose that flows back down the throat by the movement of the nose hairs.

4. Women can see more colors than men

According to a study from the University of California, about 50% of women have 4 types of color receptors instead of 3 as usual. People with normal vision when looking at a rainbow can only see 7 distinct colors while people with 4 color receptors can perceive 10 colors. The cause of this phenomenon is that in women the red and green color receptors are located on the X chromosome while the blue color receptors are located on the Y chromosome. red and green allow us to perceive a wider range of colors. There are even women with up to 5 color-sensitive cells. This also explains why men are more color blind than women.

5. We may not be able to remember why we went into a room

Have you ever walked into a room and couldn't remember why you were here. And then have you ever noticed that sometimes you can remember the cause after you come back... Here's the answer. Researchers at Notre Dame have conducted a number of experiments on the effect of rooms on our memory. The experiment participants were divided into two groups and given simple tasks while they walked the same distance. The only difference is that one group went through a door while the other group did not. The results of the experiment showed that the people who went through the door forgot their other mission was 3 times higher than those who did not go through. Apparently your brain sees the door as an "event boundary" and the decisions you make while inside the room are stored at this boundary when you leave. That's why you can remember if you walk out of the room.

6. Sugar can help heal wounds faster

Doctors in Africa still treat wounds by placing crushed sugarcane on the wound. Moses Murandu, a nurse, watched his father use these remedies in Africa and was surprised to find that doctors in the UK did not use them. He began researching the treatment again and tested it on patients with pressure sores, leg ulcers, before dressing the wound. Patients find that sugar can relieve pain and kill bacteria that interfere with wound healing. The reason is that sugar is hygroscopic, so it absorbs the water that bacteria need to survive. Sugar is also much cheaper than modern antibiotics. So the next time you cut your hand, sprinkle it with some sugar before dressing the wound.

7. More saliva is produced before vomiting

This is how the body responds to protect parts of the body such as the throat, teeth, and mouth. We all know stomach acid is extremely acidic. The fact that the body secretes saliva before vomiting helps dilute and neutralize the acid and rinses the mouth so that the acid from the stomach does not harm your body. That is why we should rinse our mouth and brush our teeth after vomiting.

8. Feeling alone is like a physical wound

Maybe you already know this. But why is that? A team of researchers at the University of California asked volunteers to play a computer game that simulates a simple game of chase between two people. But they didn't know that the other player was actually a computer and that it was programmed to exit on its own after a few minutes, leaving the volunteer feeling alone and rejected. The scientists found that this sense of loneliness occurs and is processed in the anterior part of the cortical belt, the same region that processes painful sensations of physical injury. This explains why people crave social acceptance and seek out friends, as well as helping us understand more about the power of 'herd influence'. Scientists also hope to use this information to help us explain and find the right treatment for psychological illness - depression and despair.

9. We have a second brain in the gut

The human body has about 100 million nerve cells extending from the esophagus to the anus, also known as the enteric nervous system. This “second brain” is not capable of consciousness but is responsible for digestion and even more. If you've ever felt jittery or gut-wrenching when you heard bad news, the cause lies in the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system also plays a role in overall mood formation and explains why certain foods can help with mood swings and why bad news or negative emotional states keep you off course. cravings.

10. Humans cannot swallow and breathe at the same time

Other mammals, and even non-mammals, can breathe while eating. In fact, babies can do this so that they can breathe while nursing, but this ability disappears by the time the baby is 9 months old, when the larynx begins to develop. In humans, the larynx is located too low in the throat compared to other animals, which makes it possible for humans to maintain vocalizations for longer periods of time and produce more vocal body sounds, contributing to construct speech.
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