It's difficult to buy the top 10 most expensive types of wood in the world

Currently, wood is an extremely rare natural resource. There are many types on the super rare list because the remaining quantity is small while the demand is high, so their value is very high. Money may not be able to buy it

1. D. melanoxylon

D. melanoxylon, a type of black wood belonging to the Dalbergia genus, is widely used in the production of steam or musical instruments, especially guitars, due to its balanced timbre. This tree is almost used up now, so its price is very high.
Reference price: $100000/ton
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2. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a precious wood, also known as "green gold", due to its uses (details can be seen in the previous column on the role of sandalwood). The scientific name of sandalwood tree is Santalum album L, belonging to the Santalaceae family. Sandalwood is not only a wood, herb, and spiritual wood, but also has high economic value. The price of this type of wood is also very high because it brings real value to life.
Reference price: $10000- $12000/m3
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3. Agarwood

Agarwood is a wood made by converting a large amount of aromatic resin from the old trunk of agarwood (also known as maple) over a long period of time, so the value of agarwood is also quite high.
The reason why it has the name agarwood is also because it has distinct characteristics. The agarwood contains more than 25% essential oil, which has a good impact on health. Therefore, it is usually made into agarwood essential oil, agarwood bracelets, etc., which are convenient to carry around to supplement health
Reference price: $5000- $6000 per cubic mete
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4. Ebony

Ebony is a black wood extracted from plants in the Thi family. In Vietnam, it usually comes from ebony and is therefore called ebony.
The characteristic of this type of wood is that, in addition to being black, it is also quite dense and can be immersed in water. Therefore, rivers cannot drift, and their structure will make the surface very smooth.
When polished, this makes this wood very valuable in making high-end wooden art products, such as black ebony bracelets, blue ebony bracelets, black ebony watches, square ebony watches - QG04 gold-plated ebony watches, phone cases, etc. Currently, the plants of this wood are facing the threat of extinction.
Reference price: $2000-3000 per cubic mete
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5. Ivory Rose Wood

Ivory mahogany is a very beautiful pink color. In daily life, this type of wood is used to produce billiards poles, knife handles, art pieces, etc. It is native to Africa and widely developed in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa.
Due to overfishing, this type of timber is decreasing, and the South African government is implementing strict policies to maintain and protect it.
Reference price: $2000-3000 per cubic mete
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6. Lignum Vitae Wood

Since the 16th century, Lignum Vitae has been considered an important export plant for Europe. Lignum Vitae wood originates from the Caribbean Sea and is very hard and heavy, with high strength, making it very popular.
Reference price: $1000-1500 per cubic mete
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7. Purple Heart Wood

Purple heart wood is a very special type of wood because when cut, the color of the wood changes from brown to a very beautiful purple. In addition, the wood has very thick properties, good water resistance, and the best hardness and durability in the world. This is a typical wood of Central and South America.
Reference price: $1000-1200 per cubic mete
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8. Red sua wood

Milk wood, also known as clich é d, yellow wood, or yellow sandalwood, is a rare type of wood with great spiritual significance and is often used as a feng shui item.
The reason why it ranks among the top three most expensive woods in the world is because it brings benefits to homeowners (you can check out more articles on the effects of milk wood for more information).
In addition, when made into art pieces or wooden bracelets, wooden pens, or wooden bracelets, the longer the wood, the better. More "nutritional" substances. Now, due to excessive development, some very rare wood varieties are on the brink of extinction.
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9. Rosewood

Jinlai mainly grows in Africa and is a precious wood with a slow growth rate. It is pink brown in color, with black stripes, hard, fine, and quite brittle. The cut surface is smooth and easy to polish and process. It is usually used to make musical instruments, handicrafts, jewelry, such as wooden necklaces and rings.
Jinlai wood is used to make many handicrafts
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10. Cupressus torulosa

What is Cupressus torulosa?
Huangtan is the first type of rare wood, scientifically known as Cupressus Funebrisendl. This type of wood is currently mainly distributed in some mountainous provinces in northern Vietnam, among which Huangtan Xuelang Mountain is considered the best and has the highest value.
Speaking of the yellow sandalwood tree, it is a type of tree in the pine family, very similar to the Christmas tree, with a beautiful tower shape. It has strong vitality and lives on limestone mountains.
Sales price of yellow sandalwood wood wood
Huangtan was once a precious wood, but now it has become a rare wood. Due to excessive logging 30 years ago, naturally growing trees have almost become extinct. Currently, there are only 27 trees left, which are considered a rare source of genes that need to be preserved. In addition, families in Langshan and some places have also planted this plant, hoping that from here on, this precious plant will grow more and more.
It is a special type of wood with many valuable uses and scarce supply. Therefore, the price of Ho wood
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