2. AccuWeather
AccuWeather is considered one of the most accurate weather forecasting websites today with a relatively large number of visitors. This website provides you with weather information for any location on earth, including current weather conditions, hourly forecasts for the next 72 hours, and forecasts for the next 90 days. With AccuWeather, you will know detailed weather information such as temperature, sunshine and rain conditions, humidity, wind speed, UV index.
A unique feature of this website is the ability to predict when the rain will start and end during the day, along with up-to-the-minute forecasts for rainfall in two hours. AccuWeather also provides warnings of bad weather so that people can respond promptly. Using images from Radar and satellites, this weather forecasting website helps users easily look up and search for weather information.
AccuWeather supports more than 50 languages, including Vietnamese, so it is very easy to use. A small note is that the website displays the default temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, which may be quite unfamiliar to many Vietnamese people. At this point, you just need to click on the settings section in the upper right corner of the screen and select degrees Celsius. In addition, you can download the AccuWeather weather application to your smartphone to quickly update the latest weather information.
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