Top 10 most effective stress reduction methods

In modern life, it is difficult to avoid stress, boredom, and deadlock. Here are some ways to effectively reduce stress and quickly regain a happy spirit and excitement.

1. Walk early in the morning

There is an undeniable truth that increasingly busy lives are making young people seem more "lazy" to exercise. And you know, sitting more than walking will make your body susceptible to many dangerous health diseases. Or more easily seen, the spirit becomes tired, irritable and stress increases.

But the good news for us young people is that we can improve this situation by walking every day. Walking is one of the simple, gentle but extremely effective ways and ideal for all ages. Walking early in the morning will bring you the following benefits: good for the heart, balanced meals and sleep, healthy weight loss...

Studies have shown that regular walking greatly affects the nervous system, helping you control and reduce anger and hatred. When walking with others, communication makes you feel more comfortable and exposure to the outside air also helps you reduce depression. Regular walking improves the body's response to insulin, helping to reduce belly fat. Walking also affects fat mobilization and changes body composition. Walking speeds up metabolism, burns excess calories, prevents muscle loss, especially important for older people.

2. Drink plenty of water

Water plays a huge role in maintaining life and balance of the body. Humans can go without food for a few days, but they cannot go without drinking water. This fluid accounts for about 70% of body weight, 65-75% of muscle weight, 50% of fat weight, 50% of bone weight. If you don't drink enough water, the function of cells and organs will be disturbed. The kidneys weaken and cannot handle their duties, causing the body to accumulate many toxic substances. People who regularly do not drink enough water often have dry skin, brittle hair, fatigue, headaches, constipation, and kidney and gallbladder stone formation.

About 70% to 80% of your brain tissue is water. If you are dehydrated, your body and mind will fall into crisis, easily becoming dizzy. When you feel thirsty, the hydropenia inside the human body has become quite serious. To limit the stress of dehydration, always keep a glass of water or a bottle of water on your desk and drink regularly in small sips. It will help regulate your body and keep your mind alert and active. Sunlight can cause you to lose a lot of water through sweating. Dehydration makes you tired. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement water to help your body eliminate fatigue. Drinking water helps your heart pump blood more efficiently, helping to transport blood oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells.

3. Nap

The time period from 1-3pm is often when people's productivity declines. There are two ways to save and revive you: make a cup of coffee, or take a short nap. Scientific research shows that taking a nap is as effective as a cup of coffee in keeping you awake. This effect will last for several hours after you wake up. Furthermore, napping is a natural stimulant, and you won't have to endure the jitters and insomnia that caffeine causes.

Napping not only helps us feel less sleepy and more alert. It also helps improve cognitive function, reflexes, short-term memory and mood. Research shows that people who regularly nap can regain better alertness after a short nap. People who nap less often do not have this ability, or naps for them are less effective.

4. Gentle exercise

After a long day of sitting in the office, exercising will help you reduce stress, fatigue, and increase your ability to absorb problems. Helps you get excited right after exercise. Just 10 minutes of exercise or walking and breathing in the park will help you feel more comfortable, happier, and happier. Just 5 minutes of heart-rate-boosting exercise will make you happier. Once you exercise, your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine and other chemicals. These substances will make you feel better. If you don't like too much activity, walking will make you feel more comfortable. So maintain your exercise routine if you want to keep your mood excited.

If it's been a while since you've had a good, deep sleep, it's time to exercise right away. Good sleep will help your body recover quickly, mentally relax and be full of energy for a new working day. However, be careful not to exercise too hard or too close to bedtime, it will only make it harder for you to sleep. Instead, just 10 minutes of gentle exercise about an hour before bed. Exercising daily outdoors in the early morning will help you absorb calcium better, thereby helping your bones and joints stay healthy. In addition, it also prevents osteoporosis when the body absorbs less in the elderly.

5. Watch a comedy movie

Just watching half an hour of comedy every day will reduce the amount of stress hormones in the blood and chemicals that cause heart disease. Vietnamese people often have a saying: "a smile is equal to 10 doses of tonic". In fact, science has proven that smiling has great effects not only mentally but it is also good for our physical health. .

Laughter has the ability to reduce stress by relaxing muscles throughout the body, especially the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders and abdomen. When you laugh out loud, this creates a strong reaction that relaxes muscle tension and stimulates breathing. People who like to laugh and have a positive outlook on life always have lower levels of stress hormones. When the levels of these hormones decrease, not only your physical but also your emotional well-being will become more positive.

6. Eat foods high in fiber

Fiber is a natural gift that God gave to humans to enhance and protect health, but many people do not know about its role, have not taken advantage of that gift, or have not taken full advantage of it. to. Fiber is a component of plant-based foods that the body cannot digest and often increases the amount of waste (scum) during digestion. When eating fiber, it needs to be chewed thoroughly so it stimulates saliva secretion; to the stomach and intestines, delaying food digestion and nutrient absorption, creating a feeling of fullness; In the large intestine, fiber is a good environment for microorganisms to ferment easily, absorbing a lot of water, making the stool soft, large and excreted faster.

Foods high in fiber are low in toxic fats. Foods high in fiber make us feel full quickly, reducing our appetite for other foods. Fiber in foods speeds up the digestive process, helps eliminate waste from the body more quickly and thus reduces the existence of toxins in the body (fiber is like a broom that cleans the digestive tract). ). Fiber-rich dishes also contain many antioxidants and vitamin C.

7. See nature

Do you know? Have a friend who is always by your side in every moment, tirelessly meeting all your needs, not taking advantage of you, not demanding anything in return and never judging you? You can be yourself when you're with that friend, even if your appearance is ugly that day. So who is this friend? That is nature.

Look at the shape of the tree, its height, its branches and the layer of moss on its bark. Admire the shape, size, color and veins on the lush green leaves. See the flowers, squirrels and birds finding shelter in the tree's branches. By practicing observing and admiring nature like this, nature will become the primary concern in your life. You will pay more attention to plants, flowers, and even insects. Nature will give your mind a moment of rest and escape from the sometimes negative ruminations that you can get lost in.

8. Yoga

In addition to visible benefits such as improving body shape, regulating blood flow, and rosy skin, Yoga also brings long-term benefits in terms of physical activity, especially strength, flexibility, and balance. body. Not only that, people who practice yoga also experience less depression and stress at work.

Practicing yoga outdoors helps regulate your body, practice calmness, and help you get rid of thoughts and worries to best prepare yourself for the new day. When exercising, you must concentrate highly on the movements so your mind is freed from stress and pressure in daily life. Your mind is rested, helping you relax, feel refreshed, concentrate better, and always feel loved and in love with life. Yoga exercises are a very good stress relief therapy, helping your spirit stay relaxed, active, and happy for the new day's activities, leading to an effective day of work and study.

9. Meditation

Do you feel angry, tired, stressed or frustrated? Meditation is an ancient mind-body practice that promotes feelings of relaxation and well-being. Research shows that meditation has a number of health benefits that help relieve psychological stress and physical problems such as low blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and depression. In addition, meditation has been shown to reduce the number of flu or colds as well as the duration and severity of symptoms. You may think that learning to meditate effectively will be difficult or very time-consuming. However, you really only need a few minutes during the day to practice simple exercises and feel alert.

Simply put, meditation is a method that helps us form the habit of focusing our thoughts on an image, a mantra or a point inside or outside the body. Thereby adjusting the imbalance between the state of excitement and inhibition of the nervous system caused by stressful living and work. People who often face work pressure such as businessmen and office workers should practice meditation therapy to relieve stress and avoid falling into a state of exhaustion and depression.

10. Listening to music

Stress appears everywhere in our lives. Even if you feel like you are growing very strongly in one or more areas of your life, there will be times when stress appears in another area. People often turn to music as a tool to help relieve stress. And the habit of many people is to listen to their favorite music and keep repeating it. Listening to your own favorite songs always helps people feel better.

Even if fast-paced songs make you feel better or more optimistic, only slow, gentle songs help reduce stress and anxiety. The slow melody has a meditative effect. Faster tempos cannot actually bring about a reduction in stress. Instead, fast-paced tunes often encourage excitement and more focused thinking. This is helpful for other situations but does not help reduce stress or pain.
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