Top 10 Largest Forests in the World

Forests cover around 31% of the world’s land area, yet they are responsible for supporting the vast majority of plant and animal species on Earth, many of which are threatened or endangered. Half of the world’s forests are found in just five countries, and many are fragmented and severely threatened by deforestation and forest degradation. There are many reasons to protect forests. Not only are they a source of oxygen that keeps everything alive, but they also provide vital habitat for animals, human livelihoods, and help mitigate climate change. At the very least, forests serve as an essential reminder of how beautiful the natural world can be, from the sweeping majesty of the Amazon to the national park in your hometown. Here are the 10 largest forests in the world.

1. Amazon

At around 2.3 million square miles, or more than 5.95 million square kilometers, the Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest and most biodiverse forest. Spanning Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela and the Republic of Suriname, the forest is home to one in 10 known species of wildlife (with new species discovered almost daily). Sadly, the Amazon is facing unprecedented environmental challenges due to deforestation and wildfires; most recently in 2019, some 72,519 square kilometers were burned in the region.
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2. Congo Rainforest

Part of Africa’s Congo Basin, the Congo Rainforest covers more than 3.6 million square kilometres across Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Known as the “second lung” of the planet after the Amazon, the Congo is protected by five separate national parks, all of which have been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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3. New Guinea Rainforests

New Guinea’s rainforests cover more than half of the country’s land area, with vast mountainous landscapes spanning more than 786,000 square kilometres. Because it is an island, New Guinea’s rainforests are home to indigenous peoples and native animals that have little or no contact with the outside world.
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4. Valdivian Temperate Rainforest

At least 90% of the plant species living within the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest in southern South America are endemic – meaning they are native or restricted to the area. Covering more than 248,000 square kilometres, the Valdivian also has one of the highest rates of pollination by animals recorded in any temperate biome.
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5. Tongass National Forest

Found in Southeast Alaska and spanning nearly 69,000 square kilometers, the Tongass is the largest national forest in the United States and the largest temperate rainforest in North America. The forest holds nearly one-third of the world’s old-growth temperate rainforests and is particularly important for its high carbon and biomass storage capacity.
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6. Bosawas Biosphere Reserve

Recognised by UNESCO in 1997, the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve in Nicaragua covers more than 22,000 square kilometres and is estimated to contain 13% of the world’s known species within its six distinct forest types. The Bosawas Reserve is also home to 20 distinct indigenous communities who protect its natural resources and run their entire economies off the land.
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7. Xishuangbanna Rainforest

Located in Yunnan Province in southern China, the Xishuangbanna Rainforest was designated an official UNESCO biosphere reserve in 1990. Spanning some 2,400 square kilometers, the forest supports a large number of rare and endangered species, including 90% of China's entire wild Asian elephant population.
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8. Daintree Rainforest

One of the oldest forests in the world is Australia’s Daintree Rainforest, which is thought to be 180 million years old, older than the Amazon rainforest. Covering 1,199 square kilometres, the Daintree contains more than half of the country’s bat and butterfly species, making it an important pollinator for the rest of the region.
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9. Kinabalu National Park

Located on the island of Borneo, Kinabalu National Park is made up of 753,000 square kilometres of tropical rainforest. Its unique vertical range (from just under 152 metres to over 3,962 metres) helps support a diverse range of habitats for a number of species, including 90 mammals, 326 birds and 1,000 orchid species.
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10. Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

One of Costa Rica’s many protected natural areas, the 100-square-kilometer Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is one of the world’s most popular birdwatching destinations. Not only is it a rare type of “cloud” forest in a tropical mountainous environment where atmospheric conditions allow for near-constant cloud cover, Monteverde is also home to jaguars, pumas, several species of monkeys, and the colorful red-eyed tree frog.
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