1. African ostrich eggs
Since African ostriches are the world's largest birds, it's no surprise that they lay giant eggs. African ostrich eggs have a circumference of 38 - 46cm and are about 15cm long from base to tip. An egg will weigh almost 1.4kg, which is not surprising because the shell of a pearly white or cream-colored African ostrich egg is over 1.2cm thick!
Ostrich eggs are very nutritious. One egg provides nearly 2,000 calories, of which protein accounts for 47% (940 calories). An additional 886 calories come from fat, mainly found in the yolks. Ostrich eggs are rich in vitamins A, E, B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin). They are also a source of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper and iron.
Female African ostriches lay 2 to 7 eggs per clutch in a common nest or hole. Each egg takes 35 - 45 days to incubate, which explains why even farmed ostrich eggs are expensive. Expect to pay around 740,000 VND per African ostrich egg - and provided you have a large enough pan, enjoy this spectacular poached, scrambled or omelette.
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