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Top 7 Flowers with the Worst Smell in the World

When it comes to flowers, we often think of their fragrance and beauty. However, do you know about flowers that have a "special" scent that anyone who enjoys them will find hard to forget. They all have a very distinctive scent - the smell of rotting flesh. Let's explore.

1. Amorphophallus titanium plant

Not only is it one of the largest flowers in the world, it is also known as the "corpse flower" because of its very distinctive scent - the smell of decay. Originating from the tropical forests of Central Sumatra (Western Indonesia), this flower has the scientific name Amorphophallus titanium, it is preserved and preserved at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England.

Amorphophallus titanium is actually not a single flower but has thousands of tiny flowers below the calyx, which botanists call an inflorescence. It is considered the largest inflorescence in the world, with a height of 3 m. Although these flowers are very rare, they have a very special smell. When you smell or inhale its "fragrance", you will surely find it hard to forget. However, this scent also has the effect of attracting pollinating insects such as carrion beetles and flesh flies.
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2. Rafflesia arnoldii

This is another flower that has the “fragrance” of a corpse. It is native to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo (Indonesia). People there have enjoyed the scent and said that it is very similar to the smell of rotting flesh. Rafflesia is a parasitic flower that grows on the vine Tetrastigma. It has no leaves, stems, roots or chlorophyll.

Rafflesia gets all its water and nutrients from the vine, which makes it difficult for people to find in the wild. When ready to reproduce, it will form a mass that resembles a blooming cabbage. A year later, each petal will open but only last for a few days. It will then develop into a round fruit.
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3. Lysichiton americanus

Native to the swamps of the Pacific Northwest, this flower has a scent that flies and beetles cannot resist.

Skunk cabbage is much smaller than the corpse flower, but its characteristic scent is no less than the above flowers. Few people know that this flower acts as a laxative.
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4. Stapelia gigantea

It also has other names such as toad flower, giant Zulu flower, starfish flower... Stapelia gigantea is native to South Africa, grown as a potted plant in other places. Its flowers are quite large, reaching up to 30 cm in diameter. The stem of this flower is like a cactus.

The flower looks like a 5-pointed star and usually blooms in September every year. These flowers have a characteristic rotten smell of rotting plants, the colors are also different, the skin-colored flowers are covered with small white hairs that attract flies and pollinate.
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5. Hydnora Africana Root

The Hydnora Africana plant parasite is native to the arid deserts of southern Africa, growing entirely underground. These parasites live on the roots of the Euphorbia plant.

The fleshy red flowers emerge from the sand, and black beetles are attracted to this special smell.
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6. Horsetail

An ornamental plant native to the northwestern Mediterranean region. It has a horse-like bark and a foul smell of rotting flesh, always emitting a scent to attract strange insects to pollinate.

On a warm sunny day, the flower will curl up and release its foul smell. Flies will be attracted, dragged deep inside and trapped inside.
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7. Symplocarpus foetidus Cabbage

Symplocarpus foetidus Cabbage

Similar to the skunk cabbages of the western Pacific, there is also a similar plant in the East. It lives in swampy areas to protect itself as an endangered species.

In the spring, this flower tends to grow strongly, 10 cm long and 15 cm high, the color will also turn darker like purple, brown. The flower leaves also turn green when the flower has bloomed. At this time, they will emit their characteristic scent - the smell of skunk.
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