Top 10 rarest and most valuable gemstones in the world

Since ancient times, people have known how to beautify themselves with jewelry, shells, and bones.. Wait until the sparkling stones, copper, silver, and gold. Wait a minute. The formation of gemstone crystals in nature takes millions of years, with only a small portion discovered, mined, processed, and made into valuable products. The value of gemstones depends on many factors, such as quantity, quality, composition, and even politics. The following are the top ten rarest gemstones in the world that we have studied and collected:

1. Pink Star Diamond

The giant oval diamond weighs nearly 59.6 carats, cut from a 132.5 carats rough diamond mined by De Beers in Africa in 1999. Among the pink diamonds ever found, Pink Star is the largest in size and has the most perfect color. Every gemstone diamond collector desires to own this "huge" valuable diamond, $83 187 381 - 2 395 761/carat.
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2. Painite

In 1950, mineralogist Arthur CD Paine encountered an unusual brown stone in Myanmar and he did not expect that it was one of the rarest gems on the planet. For decades, only two samples of this rock were known to exist. The color of this stone is a mixture of orange, red and brown, priced up to $50,000 - $60,000/carat.
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3. Musgravite

Musgravite was found in 1967 in the Musgrave Range of Southern Australia. Until 2005 only 8 Musgravite samples existed in the world. Recently, small quantities of this extremely rare gem have been found in Greenland, Antarctica, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Tanzania. To own one carat of Musgravite, you have to pay $35,000.
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4. Jadeite

Jadeite, also known as marble, is taken from rough stones and after being processed and polished, its price increases many times. A marble is highly appreciated when it has a deep, vivid blue shade and has the ability to change color to create a mysterious and magical look. Jadeite is found in limited quantities in Myanmar. In 1997, Christies auction house sold a Jadeite necklace for nearly 10 million USD. The market price for one carat of Jadeite marble is $20,000.
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5. Alexandrite

This type of stone was named after Tsar Alexander II of Russia and was found in 1830 in the Ural Mountains but was almost exhausted. Alexandrite can turn from red to green..etc depending on the type of light it is exposed to. The stone recently returned to the market after being discovered in Brazil, East Africa and Sri Lanka. Its current value is approximately $12,000/carat.
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6. Red Beryl

Red Beryl, also known as Scarlet Emerald, Bixbite or Emerald, is only found in Utah and New Mexico. However, the commercial mine is located in the Wah Mountains of Utah. Red Beryl is considered to be 1000 times more valuable than gold. The market price of red Beryl is $10,000/carat.
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7. Benitoite

Benitoite is a purple-blue gemstone that was first found in 1907 near the San Benito River in California, USA, and a commercial mine for this stone was also located here. A few samples of Benitoite have also been found in Arkansas and Japan. This stone, known as the symbol of the state of California, will emit extremely bright fluorescent light under UV light. With a value of up to $3000 - $4000/carat, Benitoite is always desired by gem collectors.
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8. Black Opal

Opal, also known as Cat's Eye Jade, originates from Australia. Black Opals are considered the most valuable of all opals and are mostly mined from the Lightning Ridge mine in New South Wales. The sparkling colors hidden on the black stone background as well as the scarcity in mining have made the value of this gemstone. Currently, the market price of Black Cat's Eye Jade is about $2,355/carat.
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9. Taaffeite

Taaffeite (pronounced “tar-file”) is named after Australian gemologist Richard Taaffe. He was the one who discovered this stone in 1945. Taaffeite comes in many different colors, from transparent to lavender, lilac or bluish purple. This type of stone is found in many different places but mainly Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Up to now, Taffeite is one of the rarest and most valuable gemstones in the world with $1,500 - $2,500/carat.
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10. Tanzanite

Tanzanite is very rare and is only found at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in East Africa. This stone has a dark blue color with a hint of purple. Stone resources are very limited, according to experts' calculations, Tanzanite can only be exploited for about 20 to 30 years. That's why Tanzanite is listed as the rarest and most valuable gemstone today with $600 - $1000/carat.
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