The 10 animals with the least sleep in the world

While pangolins, sloths... spend a lot of time sleeping, there are many other animals that sleep very little. Below are the top animals that sleep the least in the world.

1. Shark

The animal with the least sleep in the world is a shark. Whether it's hibernation or idle time, this mysterious creature is just taking a nap. The main reason they are unable to sleep deeply is that their bodies need to work every time their breathing activity passes through the shark's gills.
According to Animal Planet Channel, sharks only have cartilage and no bones, and can only swim forward, not backward. From a distance, you may think that sharks do not have scales, but in reality, their skin is covered with many small scales. When you touch them, you will find them rough like sandpaper. Sharks can detect a drop of blood in Olympic sized swimming pools. The average lifespan of sharks is about 25 years. However, some species, such as whale sharks, can live up to 100 years old.
There are approximately 440 species of sharks in the world, but only 30 are harmful to humans. According to statistics, sharks attack less than 100 people annually, and the number of deaths caused by bees coughing.
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2. Dolphins

Female dolphins must be careful because their babies do not sleep during the first 30 days of life. This may sound crazy but these young fish are always full of energy and love to explore their surroundings. A recently published study has shown the surprising ability of dolphins: They can stay awake for days or weeks continuously without sleep. So how can they survive without sleep? Dolphins possess a very special sleep mechanism, they can let half of their brain rest at a certain time while the other half is still awake - a process called "Unihemispheric sleep". This special sleep mechanism not only prevents dolphins from drowning, but also allows them to stay alert to any danger and even encourages brain development. In addition, dolphins use their prey's toxins as "addictive substances". We know that puffer fish have strong toxins. Apparently dolphins know this too, but they use it for "high" purposes. Normally, pufferfish toxins are deadly. However, in small doses, it can act as an addictive substance. . The BBC once filmed a video in which dolphins gently played with a puffer fish for 20 to 30 minutes, then lingered around incessantly and behaved "strangely" . Dolphins have sharp eyesight both in the lips and in the water and can sense frequencies 10 times higher than what humans can hear. Although dolphins have small ears on both sides of their heads, humans It is thought that in the aquatic environment, fish hear with their lower jaw and conduct sound to the middle ear through openings in the jaw bone. Hearing is also used to transmit biological radar waves, an ability all dolphin species It is thought that dolphin teeth are used as receptors, they receive incoming sounds and accurately indicate the location of the object. Dolphins' sense of touch is also very developed, with nerve endings densely distributed on the skin, especially in the nose, pectoral fins and genital area. However, dolphins do not have odor receptor neurons and so they are believed to have no sense of smell. Dolphins also have taste buds and show a preference for certain fish foods. Dolphins spend most of their time underwater, and sensing the taste of water can help dolphins smell in the same way that the taste of water can alert the fish to the presence of objects outside their mouths.
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3. Walrus

Walruses can spend up to 84 hours swimming continuously and when given a chance to rest, they will sleep by floating on the water, lying along the shore against something in an upright position. They can spend from two to 19 hours resting and take short naps of about three to 23 minutes. Sometimes, walruses will forage in places where there is no ice or land nearby to nap. That's why they have 'pharyngeal pouches' – air sacs on the throat that inflate like a pillow! Once these bags are filled with 50 liters of air, walruses can sleep on the seabed, standing still in an upright position and kept safe from drowning thanks to their portable air pillow. Walruses have very few natural predators, and their enormous size makes them a challenging opponent! Only an orca killer dolphin or a large polar bear would dare attempt to confront an adult walrus… The walrus hangout is a noisy place! These animals live in large groups, called herds, that gather together on land. Out of the water, walruses make loud noises and snort to each other to communicate. Despite their enormous size, walruses are easily frightened. In walrus colonies, any sign of danger can cause panic as the animals flee land and head for the safety of the water. Walruses eat shellfish like oysters from the seabed, but they also enjoy sea cucumbers and mussels. Adult walruses will sometimes hunt fish, while some giant adult males even catch other animals. Walruses have super sensitive whiskers, which help them detect food on the ocean floor. Once they have found a delicious treat, walruses can reach speeds of up to 35km/h to chase their prey.
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4. Migratory birds

One of the animals that sleeps the least in the world cannot be ignored, migratory birds. These birds have been recorded flying continuously for days at a time. When they reach land, these birds begin to sleep like sea turtles and sleep continuously for up to 13 hours. Control of migration, timing and response is genetically controlled and appears to be a primitive trait present even in non-migratory birds. The ability to navigate and self-direct during migration is a much more complex phenomenon, which may involve both endogenous as well as learned programs. The main physiological cue for migration is changes in day length. These changes are also associated with hormonal changes in birds. During the pre-migratory period, many birds exhibit higher activity or Zugunruhe, first described by Johann Friedrich Naumann in 1795, as well as physiological changes such as increased fat deposition. The occurrence of Zugunruhe even in caged birds without environmental cues (e.g. shortening days and reduced temperature) points to a role for circulatory endogenous programs in controlling control bird migration. Birds kept in cages display preferred flight directions that correspond to the migratory direction they would take in the wild, changing their preferred direction at roughly the same time their wild counterparts change course. In polygynous species with significant sexual polymorphism, males tend to return to their breeding sites earlier than females. This is called the duality of nine first. Navigation relies on multiple senses. Many species of birds have been shown to use a solar compass. Using the sun for orientation involves the need for time-based compensation. Navigation has also been shown to rely on a combination of other abilities including the ability to detect magnetic fields (magnetism), using visual landmarks as well as olfactory cues.
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5. Donkey

Since being used to transport things, donkeys move a lot and only sleep 3 hours a day. They wake up easily, so don't expect to see how they sleep. The donkey, Equus asinus, is a species of mammal belonging to the Equididae, a family of the order Odd-toed. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass (E. africanus). Donkeys have been used as working animals for at least 5,000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mainly in underdeveloped countries where they are used primarily as draft and pack animals. Donkey work is often associated with people living at or below a level of subsistence. A small number of donkeys are kept as pets in developed countries. The image of the donkey is mentioned in culture, religion, caricatures and literature. The image of the donkey is popular in the culture of Western countries and the Middle East, especially in Judaism and Catholicism. teacher. In life, donkeys have served humanity faithfully for thousands of years. On the one hand, they are considered a symbol of humility, gentleness and peace, but on the other hand, people often refer to donkeys with unkind words such as: "Donkey" or "hard work". as hard as a donkey (donkeywork)" or "Donkey's body likes to be heavy" tells the story of a donkey that refuses to walk when there is not enough weight on its back, only when a heavy burden is placed on its back does it walk or symbol of clumsiness, stupidity, stubbornness, stubbornness.
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6. Cow

Cow sleep activity includes many short naps during the day and at least 1 hour of deep sleep for a total sleep time of about 4 hours. These animals can stay alert throughout the night if they sense danger. Cows have a lifespan of about 18 - 25 years in the wild, but in captivity, they have been recorded to live up to 36 years. They have a gestation period of 9 - 11 months, depending on the species, and give birth mainly to one young animal (rarely twins) in the spring, collectively known as a calf. Most species move in flocks of 10 to hundreds of animals. In most herds there is one male for all the females. In general, they are diurnal animals, only resting during the hot period at noon and remaining active in the morning and afternoon. However, in areas where humans encroach on the colony's territory, they can be nocturnal. Some species are migratory, moving with food and water supplies. There are currently about 1.3 billion domesticated cows, making them one of the most numerous domesticated mammals in the world. Members of this genus are currently found in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Their habitat is heterogeneous and depends on the specific species; They can be found in grasslands, rain forests, moist lands, savannas and temperate forests. In addition, there are a few species that can live in cold environments.
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7. Elephant

During the day, this large animal naps for about 15 minutes in a standing position. In the evening, when the elephant is tired from its daily activities, it will fall into a deep sleep for 4 to 6 hours. Every day, elephants spend about 16 hours searching for food and only sleep about 3 to 5 hours. Adult elephants sleep standing up. Baby elephants sometimes sleep lying down. Elephants are big, but that doesn't stop them from becoming good swimmers. They love to swim and can even swim in the sea. Their favorite time of day is when they take a mud bath. The mud protects the elephant from the scorching sun and keeps it cool and away from nasty bugs. The size of an elephant means that when it is fully grown, apart from humans, it is safe from all predators. And to feed its great body, it must need a lot of food. Each adult elephant eats about 150 kg (300 lb) of grass, small branches, leaves, fruit, etc. every day. Such foods need to be chewed thoroughly. Elephants have grinding teeth at the back of the mouth, this is where the teeth have the strongest force, but it also wears away. Then the new tooth will grow at the bottom and push the old tooth out. Therefore, elephants grow teeth throughout their lives, a total of 6 sets of grinding teeth, but when the last set of teeth is worn out, the elephant will have lived to be 55 years old. It becomes weak from lack of food and will die more from starvation than from disease. Elephants use their trunks to grab food and bring it into their mouths. Their main food is grass and other plants on the ground. Elephants use their trunks to pull leaves, trunks and branches down from above. When food is scarce, elephants use their tusks to knock down trees. When thirsty, elephants gather on river banks or puddles, even using their trunks to dig deep to suck up water. Elephants drink water by sucking water into their trunk and then spraying it into their mouth. Every day elephants consume 160-300 liters of water. Elephants also spray water on their backs to cool their skin. Every day, adult baby elephants produce an amount of waste heavier than the weight of a young boy. Elephant dung contains tree seeds that elephants swallow and will grow into new trees to replace the trees they have eaten or knocked down. Currently, some countries are raising elephants, researching and testing the processing of elephant dung into paper (because elephant dung is quite clean and does not have a strong smell because they only eat plants and drink water).
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8. Horse

This animal has the amazing ability to sleep standing up. Every day, the horse will divide into many short naps of only about 15 minutes. The horse's total rest time is approximately 5 to 7 hours with at least 4 hours spent on active sleep. The horse is a mammal in the family Equidae, order Perissodactyla (hooves). This species was described by Linnaeus in 1758., and is one of eight subspecies extant today in the family Equidae. Horses have undergone evolution from 45 to 55 million years from a small creature with many-toed feet to the large animal with one-toed feet today. Depending on the breed, management and environment, food, water etc. today's horses have a lifespan of about 25 to 30 years. The oldest verifiable horse to live is "Old Billy", a 19th century horse with a lifespan of 62 years. Currently, Sugar Puff, the horse listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest living pony in the world, died on May 25, 2007 at the age of 56. The mare's pregnancy lasted about 335 years. - 340 days. Horses usually give birth to only one child. Foals are capable of standing and running shortly after birth. Four-year-old horses are considered mature horses, although they continue to develop normally until the age of six, the time it takes to complete a horse's development also depends on the horse's size, breed, gender and quality. take care of.
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9. Giraffe

Each giraffe will sleep about 4.6 hours a day. Most of their sleep will be broken up into naps lasting about 35 minutes or less. In particular, they can sleep even in a standing position. Giraffes usually live in savannahs and open forests. They prefer Acacieae, Commiphora, Combretum and open Terminalia forests to denser environments such as Brachystegia forests. Angolan giraffes can be found in desert environments. Giraffes forage on tree branches, preferring trees in the subfamily Acacieae and the genera Commiphora and Terminalia, which are important sources of calcium and protein to sustain giraffe growth. They also eat shrubs, grass and fruit. A giraffe eats about 34 kg (75 lb) of leaves per day. When stressed, giraffes can chew tree bark. Although they are herbivores, giraffes are known to visit carcasses and lick dry meat off bones. During the wet season, food is abundant and giraffes spread out more, while during the dry season, they congregate around remaining evergreen trees and bushes. Mothers tend to feed in open areas, perhaps to make it easier to spot predators, although this may reduce their feeding efficiency. As a ruminant, the giraffe first chews its food, then swallows it for processing and then passes the digested food clearly up the neck and back to the mouth for chewing again, to secrete juice. foam during feeding. The giraffe needs less food than many other herbivores because the foliage it eats has more concentrated nutrients and it has a more efficient digestive system. Animal feces come in the form of small pellets. When given access to water, giraffes drink no more than three days apart. Giraffes have a great effect on the trees they eat, delaying the growth of young trees for a number of years and giving "waistlines" to trees that are too tall. They eat the most during the first and last hours of the day. Between these hours, giraffes mostly stand and chew their cud. Rumination is the main activity at night, when lying down is the main activity.
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10. Sheep

Sheep have a circadian rhythm similar to humans, but each day these animals only spend 4 to 5 hours sleeping. In particular, sheep's REM sleep is also shorter than that of predator animals. Because spending too much time sleeping will make the sheep more easily attacked. Sheep have a daytime activity mode, eating from morning to night, occasionally stopping to rest and chew their cud. Ideal pastures for sheep such as grass, legumes and forb. Sheep land types vary widely from grain pastures to native lands reclaimed from dry land. Commonly toxic plants to sheep are present throughout the world, and include (without limitation) cherries, oaks, tomatoes, yews, rhubarb, potatoes, rhododendrons. Sheep are primarily grass-fed animals, unlike goats and deer that prefer taller foliage. With much narrower sides, sheep feeding plants are very close to the ground and they can reach to eat faster than other livestock. For that reason, many shepherds use rotational grazing to allow time for recovery. Paradoxically, sheep are both a cause and a solution to the spread of invasive plants. By disturbing the state of the pasture, sheep and other livestock can open the way for invasive plants. However, sheep also eat these invasive species such as cheatgrass, leafy spurge, kudzu and spotted knapweed over native species such as sagebrush, making sheep grazing effective for grassland conservation. Research conducted in Imperial County, California compared sheepgrass with herbicides to control alfalfa. Three trials have demonstrated that sheep grazing is as effective as herbicides in controlling weeds in winter. Entomologists also compared sheep grazing with pesticides for winter insect control of alfalfa. In this test, sheep were as effective in controlling insects as pesticides.
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